Privacy Policy

These terms and conditions of use and agreement to terms and conditions of use apply to the
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This site is the property of Camden Property Agents Pty Ltd (ABN 12 632 899 097).
Camden Property Agents reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to change, modify, add or remove
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It is your responsibility to check these terms and conditions of use periodically for changes. Your
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These terms and conditions constitute a binding contract between you and Camden Property Agents.
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The content of this website is general and is provided for information purposes only.
The material on this website is not and should not be regarded as advice, including legal advice. To
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In particular, while reasonable care is taken in its preparation, Camden Property Agents does not
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In addition, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Camden Property Agents does not warrant that the
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Subject to the provisions of consumer protection legislation that cannot be excluded, Camden
Property Agents accepts no liability arising from the information on this website, or on websites linked
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Agents limits its liability, where it is entitled to do so, to the resupply of the relevant service and goods,
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